The founder of Jet Airways, Naresh Goyal and his spouse Anita Goyal has won a restraining order against India's Directorate of Enforcement (ED). According to the latest order passed on January 17, 2023, the ED cannot take any investigative action against the couple till the end of the month, i.e. – January 31, 2023 offering the couple short-term respite. The ED meanwhile is planning to pursue the matter. The next hearing is scheduled for January 31, 2023.
The Mumbai police lodged a complained against the Goyals for various conspiracy, forgery, and cheating offences. The police later withdrew their charges despite opposition from the ED.
Later the ED pursued the case, based on the police First Information Report. The Jet Airways founders have a criminal case filed against them over money laundering and foreign exchange offences while running the airline.
Since the fall-out of Jet Airways, the Goyals have been dealing with India's Income Tax Department, the Serious Fraud Investigation Office, and the Central Bureau of Investigation for various fraud cases filed against them.
Meanwhile the Jet Airways ceased operations in April 2019 after incurring debts of over $1.2bn and failing to secure last minute emergency funding to keep flying. The airline is now planning a re-launch under new ownership.