
JAL reports more 787 problems

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JAL reports more 787 problems

A Japanese Airlines (JAL) 787 flight travelling direct from Tokyo to San Francisco was forced to make an unscheduled stop in Hawaii after the pilot was made aware of a problem with falling pressure of lubricant oil in the aircraft’s right engine.

JAL official reports states that the aircraft landed in Honolulu due to "maintenance issues".

Boeing has announced that it is now checking all 787 aircraft being produced in the US for potential hairline cracks in their wings after Japanese supplier Mitsubishi Heavy Industries warned the US manufacturer that a change in its manufacturing process may cause cracks.

Boeing has stated that the checks may cause "some delays in deliveries" but that it was confident "the issue does not exist in the in-service fleet". "The affected areas are very small and the time required to address the issue will vary between one and two weeks," the company said. "There may be some delays in deliveries, but we expect no impact to 2014 delivery guidance.