
Introducing the Pegasus Principles (free webinar)

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Introducing the Pegasus Principles (free webinar)
A working group of dedicated individuals from the RMI and a group of five global financial institutions reflected on the past 20 months of hard work compiling the Pegasus Principles, which provide a common measurement and disclosure framework to enable comparable and robust disclosure of the climate alignments of aviation finance portfolios. Airline Economics was pleased to host this free webinar where the Climate Aligned Finance Working Group takes you through the main points of the Pegasus Principles from methodology to data and reporting. Click on the link to view the webinar. The Pegasus Principles will be launching in the second quarter of this year, stay tuned for a launch date in the coming weeks. If you are interested in joining the initiative as a signatory bank, endorsing as an airline/lessor, or if you would like to learn more, please contact Tom White (tomwhite@rmi.org) with any questions.