Indian passenger traffic continues its steady upward climb with the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) recording the domestic passenger traffic in the eleven months from January to November 2022 to be at 110.51 million as against 72.61 million in the eleven months of 2021. The domestic air traffic has registered an annual growth rate of 52.19% giving the Indian operators a reason to cheer.
In November 2022, the domestic airlines carried 11.679 million passengers as against 105.16 lakhs in the same month last year recording an increase of 11% year-on-year. Besides the overall flight cancellation rate reduced to a mere 0.25%, that too mostly due to weather and technical reasons, according to DGCA.
Moreover, in November 2022, a total of 403 passenger-related complaints were received by the scheduled domestic airlines. The number of complaints per 10,000 passengers carried for the month of November 2022 was around 0.35.