
India to have a Civil Aviation Research Organisation backed by the Ministry

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India to have a Civil Aviation Research Organisation backed by the Ministry

The Civil Aviation Ministry of India (CARO) is planning to invest INR 40.21 million in setting up a Civil Aviation Research Organisation. As per the ministry the facility will have advanced simulators labs to analyse cyber security threats, and facilitate aviation data management.

The construction is currently under progress and in the final phase at the Behumpet airport, Hyderabad and be fully operational by 2024.

“CARO will develop indigenous technologies, promote and disseminate R&D activities, encourage creativity and innovation through human resource measures, and provide decision support using data analytical tools and cost- benefit analysis”, confirmed a ministry official

The facility will provide a research platform for private and public stakeholders to cater to the needs of global aviation research through collaboration with government and private organisation, co-develop with international organisations, facilitate industry institution tie-ups, foster a vibrant research and development environment to attract top talent and provide resources for start-ups and innovations to carry out research.