Following an announcement by Boeing last week, the International Bureau of Aviation (IBA) has estimated that in order to provide training for the projected one million new aviation professionals required to sustain the burgeoning growth of commercial aviation over the next 20 year period, an investment of over $4bn will be required.
IBA stated it has observed a significant rise in the requirement for expert aviation training related services as a result of the global growing demand for pilots and skilled technicians; and the investment is needed to improve and expand existing facilities in Europe and North America, and to develop new centres of training in Africa and Eastern Asia over the next two decades.
Phil Seymour, President and Chief Operating Officer of IBA Group believes that this is a global issue, requiring commitment from aircraft manufacturers, airlines and Governments to invest in the future of the industry: “Without properly trained pilots and engineers the predicted growth in commercial aviation will falter. It’s not just about the money needed to build the infrastructure and fund the professional instructors, it’s about having a long-term strategy that inspires young people to choose aviation as a career; then focuses on creating a mobile global workforce, trained to universally high standards and equipped with the knowledge and expertise that will contribute to successful and profitable airline businesses. Everyone is talking about this problem, it’s time to do something about it.”