GE Aviation is launching the CF6 TRUEngineTM program, which expands the TRUEngine designation from CFM56 engines to GE’s engines beginning with CF6. As part of the launch, GE has awarded TRUEngine designation to Nippon Cargo Airlines’ (NCA) fleet of 43 CF6-80C2 engines that power its Boeing 747 fleet.
“GE is proud to bestow the TRUEngine designation to NCA as a way to recognize NCA’s commitment to quality engine maintenance for its
CF6-80C2 engine fleet,” said Chuck Williams, general manager of the CF6 engine program.
To qualify for TRUEngine status, the engine configuration, overhaul practices, spare parts and repairs used to service an engine must be consistent with GE or CFM requirements. In addition, all maintenance must comply with GE- or CFM-issued engine manuals and other maintenance recommendations. The qualification data is obtained through a combination of fleet operations and maintenance records. The TRUEngine designation is available to the 4,000 CF6 engines in service if they meet the criteria.