
GE Aerospace announces deal for AI-driven MRO

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GE Aerospace announces deal for AI-driven MRO

GE Aerospace and Waygate Technologies have signed "a joint technology development agreement to develop software and hardware inspection solutions for commercial aircraft engines".

The companies are to look at artificial intelligence (AI) "solutions", as they say "current borescope inspection can be labo[u]r intensive, requiring highly skilled manual visual inspection to identify nonconforming indications from a host of potential unserviceable conditions or defects".

"AI and ML [machine learning] offer the ability to assist inspectors with repetitive, reliable information, improving cycle time and consistency of inspections," according to the GE statement.

GE said the deal will "advance and improve the efficiency, accuracy and quality of video borescope inspections and minimise costs for maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) shops and on-wing maintenance providers."

“With the growth of MRO demand, there is an increasing need for the highly skilled task of engine-level inspection, said Nicole Tibbetts, chief manufacturing engineer for MRO at GE Aerospace.

According to Michael Domke, general manager cisual at Waygate Technologies. the two companies make a "great pairing when you combine their capability with Waygate Technologies’ expertise providing state-of-the-art borescope solutions, advanced 3D measurement, and AI technologies connected to digital inspection data management".
