
GA Telesis Engine Services exceeds first quarter production and performance goals

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GA Telesis Engine Services exceeds first quarter production and performance goals

GA Telesis Engine Services (GATES) has exceeded its production and performance goals for the first quarter of 2015, having one of its most active quarters since opening. GATES produced eight engines and inducted eight more since January. In addition the company completed a CFM56-5B performance workscope in an industry leading turnaround time of 47 days. GATES also added two new customers to its customer list last quarter, providing additional opportunities for increasing its 2015 production.

Basil Papayoti, President and Director of GA Telesis Engine Services, commented on GATES’ productivity milestone: “GATES is experiencing quarter-on-quarter capacity growth without compromising its commitment to Customer Success. We are committed to exceeding our customers’ expectations, while also maintaining this pace and further increasing our production rates throughout the rest of the year.”

Since launching in January, GATES On-wing (GO) Team, the company’s mobile response technical unit, has also exceeded its goals for first quarter of 2015, performing field work for Blue1 in Helsinki as well as providing on-wing support for SmartLynx in Tallinn, Estonia. Thorir Kristinsson, VP of Technical at SmartLynx stated that “GO Team provided us with prompt and efficient on-wing technical service when we needed it. They deployed their team within two hours of our request and resolved our technical engine issue on the same day.”