CGI and Fraport, which operates Frankfurt Airport, are partnering to speed up the airport's "digitisation".
Fraport AG, which has "business activities" at 29 airports on four continents, selected CGI as its digital partner "with the aim of further enhancing Frankfurt Airport's customer experience and increasing its overall competitiveness through new digital business models and technologies".
"We are realigning Frankfurt Airport technologically—a major task and, with CGI, we have found a flexible and competent partner," said Wolfgang Standhaft, chief information officer of Fraport.
"Through a balanced cloud-first approach, a key goal of the framework agreement is to move more of the airport's applications to the cloud as part of a strategic IT realignment", Fraport said in a statement about the five-year deal.
"Further, Fraport and CGI will work together to lay a foundation for the integration of other advanced technologies such as intelligent automation and artificial intelligence within the airport's operations. Fraport's aim is to harness these technologies to support airport staff in their daily work, particularly for ground handling services," the company announced.