In April, Finnair traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres rose by 5.9% and the overall capacity grew 6.7% year‐on‐year. Passenger load factor fell by 0.5 percentage points and was 75.8%.
In April, the capacity in Asian traffic grew by 7% and the traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres by 7.8% year‐on‐year.
In April, leisure traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres grew by 0.3% and capacity decreased by 0.9%. The load factor improved by 0.9 percentage points and was 78.2%.
In cargo, traffic measured in revenue tonne kilometres decreased by 2.7% and the overall capacity grew by 8% year-on-year. The load factor fell by 7.4 percentage points and was 66.9%.
In April, the arrival punctuality improved year-on-year and it was excellent. In Scheduled traffic, 91.8% of flights arrived on schedule (87.0). Of all traffic, 91.5% (86.8% in April 2012) of flights were on schedule.