
DOT - US Memorial Day cancellations below 1%

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DOT - US Memorial Day cancellations below 1%

Cancellation rates among flights in the US during Memorial Day Weekend remained below 1% last weekend as per the US Department of Transportation (DOT) data.  Being the long weekend, tourists crowded the airports to celebrate the holiday.

This was the test of the system, said Pete Buttigieg, Secretary, DOT, as over 50,000 flights were scheduled.

In a recently held press conference, Secretary Buttigieg said that airlines have worked to significantly improve their on-time performance rates in the last few months. Despite the low cancellation rate this year, the secretary said performance throughout the weekend would continue to be watched closely.

“This weekend is bringing the busiest travel days since before the pandemic, and a stress test for the airlines. Performance has been good so far - but we’ll continue to watch closely and make sure passengers are supported,” read tweet by Buttigieg.

With pandemic restrictions eased, the DOT said it anticipated the passenger levels during the holiday weekend would be numbers not seen since before the pandemic.