Ahead of schedule, Doric Flugzeugfonds 2 has extended the lease agreement with Air Mauritius by 24 months – until December 2019 at least.
Doric is the asset manager of the Airbus A330-200 with the registration 3B-NBM which was delivered in December 2007. To date the aircraft has completed around 7,100 flights to destinations such as Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai, New Delhi and Singapore. The average flight duration is approximately 5 hours.
At present, Doric has 43 aircraft under management, of which two are Airbus A330 aircraft.
In December 2016 Doric added a further A330 to its asset management portfolio. This aircraft is on lease to Virgin Australia and is part of an institutional aircraft portfolio to which another three A330s will soon be added.