Kerosene no substitute for Jet A1
23rd December 2011
Airlines in Hong Kong are being forced to reduce their Japan capacity for February 2023 due to travel limitations imposed by the Japanese government. The restrictions limit the number of flights arriving in Japan from Hong Kong, China, and Macau, following a surge in COVID cases in recent weeks.
Following the new schedule, Cathay Pacific is permitted to operate 72 flights per week to Japan, 13 fewer than normal. However, despite the restrictions, the airline will operate a busy schedule to Japan with up to six daily flights on the popular Hong Kong – Tokyo route.
HK express will operate 74 flights per week, down from 89 flights per week originally planned by the airline.
These restrictions are bound to be a hurdle in Hong Kong aviation’s road to recovery. The restrictions are effective until March, 2023.
Despite this setback Cathay Pacific’s recovery continues, with the airline recently reaching 40% of pre-pandemic passenger traffic.