Cathay has welcomed the launch of the Hong Kong Sustainable Aviation Fuel Coalition (HKSAFC) as the initiative’s co-founder. The coalition is convened and chaired by the Business Environment Council (BEC) alongside 13 founding partners for the SAF value chain.
In October 2023, the Hong Kong SAR government highlighted the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in its 2023 Policy Address, emphasising the importance of forward-looking planning. The HKSAFC aims to facilitate the adoption of SAF in Hong Kong by conducting whitepaper research on its development, engaging with stakeholders, and seeking to grow Hong Kong as a regional SAF hub.
“Aside from the environmental benefits, ensuring the sufficient supply of SAF at Hong Kong International Airport would help consolidate Hong Kong’s international aviation hub status,” said Liu Chan San, JP, acting secretary for transport and logistics. “The availability of SAF at airports will be, if not has been, one of the major considerations of airlines in flight planning and expansion”.
HKSAFC chair and CEO of BEG Simon Ng added: “Through the launch of HKSAFC, BEC will engage with multiple stakeholders to accelerate the deployment of SAF at Hong Kong International Airport, ensuring tis availability and affordability”.