
CALC's MRO joint venture obtains CAAC creditations

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CALC's MRO joint venture obtains CAAC creditations

CALC has announced that the group’s MRO joint venture company, FL ARI Aircraft Maintenance & Engineering Company (FL ARI) has obtained accreditations for aircraft disassembly from Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC).

The CAAC has issued and implemented policies on aircraft disassembly to guarantee the quality of China’s second-hand aviation materials produced from disassembly and ensure recognition on both domestic and foreign basis. It also facilitates domestic players’ foray into the international market through promoting a regulated development of the aircraft disassembly industry. 

Winnie Liu, executive director, deputy CEO and CCO of CALC Group said: “We are delighted to see recognition of the outlook of China's aircraft disassembly industry on a national level. CAAC’s introduction of the standards and guidelines would definitely facilitate healthy development of the industry.

"With full recognition from CAAC, FL ARI is honoured to be the first accredited enterprise to conduct aircraft disassembly business. This also represents a strong bond between the aviation community and the government, which is a positive start for the future development of the industry.”