The airline consulting team from Lufthansa Systems started working with Bulgaria Air to optimise even better their operational processes and to review the capacity planning. Since the end of August, the consultants from Lufthansa Systems Airline Consulting have worked with the Bulgarian airline to analyze and optimise its crew management, network planning and operations control (OCC).
“We want to enhance network decisions and continually improve the operational processes so that Bulgaria Air can continue offering the customers the highest quality”, said Dimitar Bojanski, chairman of Techno Capital, the company that provides technology to the Bulgarian carrier with which the consulting team is closely collaborating. “We are already working with the NetLine/Crew crew management solution, the NetLine/Ops operations control solution and the NetLine/Sched schedule management solution and we are pleased that the independent consultants from Lufthansa Systems are now supporting us with their knowledge and expertise.”
In the first project phase, the airline consultants from Lufthansa Systems visited Bulgaria Air to analyze the status quo of the airline’s operations controlling. Phase two of the consulting project aimed at evaluating the airline’s strategy for crew management, network planning and operations control and then provide concrete recommendations for network decisions and processes optimization. This has been based on numerous workshops and assessments held with managers and employees of the respective departments.
The consulting experts at Lufthansa Systems have spent more than 20 years working for international airlines of all sizes with various business models. Amid increasing competitive pressure felt by airlines in the international market, more and more carriers are looking for professional consulting services. This is why Lufthansa Systems has continuously expanded its consulting division in recent years. What distinguishes Lufthansa Systems’ consultants is their independence. Lufthansa Systems Airline Consulting guides management decisions to optimize airline core processes, increase efficiency and reduce costs.
“While many consultancies specialize in a single area, we cover the entire spectrum of consulting for airlines, thus ensuring that problems are always examined from all angles,” said Tino Herrmann, Senior Vice President Airline Consulting at Lufthansa Systems. “In our consulting work, we strive for a long-term, equal partnership.”