Avio Aero said it has launched a European Union-funded programme showcasing developments in hybrid electric propulsion technologies for use in commercial aviation.
The European Commission awarded approximately €34 million under its Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking for four years of work to be carried out by a consortium led by Avio Aero.
Avio said that the group plans "to mature, integrate and validate key technologies necessary for a megawatt (MW)-class hybrid-electric propulsion system powered by hydrogen fuel cells" - work that is to be based on the "integration of hybrid electric components — including a motor/generator, power converters, and power transmission systems".
“We are proud to announce the launch of the AMBER hybrid-electric program, which aims to demonstrate the benefits of an innovative aircraft propulsion system coupling a turbine engine with a fuel cell-powered electric motor, "said Giorgio Abrate, vice president of engineering for Avio Aero.