In relation to the tender for the acquisition of the maintenance branch of Alitalia in Extraordinary Administration expiring today, 14 March 2022, Gianni Lettieri, Chairman of Atitech, has signed a preliminary maintenance contract with ITA Airways.
Atitech has completed the due diligence and will submit today a binding offer for the purchase of the maintenance branch of AZ and, in case of award, the preliminary contract signed with ITA Airways, will be consolidated into a long-term commitment.
In the event that Atitech is not awarded the tender issued by Alitalia under extraordinary administration, the preliminary contract will be terminated.
“The signing of this preliminary services contract with ITA Airways,” said President Lettieri, “is the basis on which to work for the future of the two companies. Atitech will support the company with maximum commitment and professionalism, guaranteeing priority services and high quality. Moreover, it will aim to bring back to Fiumicino an audience of international airlines, as it did in the past with its relaunch of Naples – Capodichino airport”. The Chairman added: “The commitment will be to provide Italy with a strategic infrastructure for aircraft maintenance, from line to base maintenance, from engines to components, as it exists in the main European countries”.