Global provider of integrated aviation quality and safety management solutions ASQS has unveiled its latest feature, the iQSMS AI Co-Validator, developed in conjunction with Lufthansa Industry Solutions. The AI Co-Validator will harness the power of artificial intelligence to assist in processing large volumes of incoming data.
ASQS’ core iQSMS product is a modular software suite comprising of three core and five extension modules for aviation quality, safety and risk management. “By utilizing the latest technologies and AI capabilities, the safety and efficiency of flight operations will be further enhanced,” explained Amir Farajollahzadeh, business director MRO, hospitality & SAP at Lufthansa Industry Solutions. “Users of iQSMS can benefit from the collaboration by saving time and resources while ensuring higher data quality and compliance”.
After examining the content of incoming reports round-the-clock and suggesting the best matching customer-specific event classification, the AI Co-Validator can also ensure that “safety information is consistently forwarded to the relevant departments, not just during office hours but around the clock”.