
ANA to offer sustainability-linked bonds

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ANA to offer sustainability-linked bonds

ANA Holdings has announced that it will publicly offer sustainability-linked bonds that will further reinforce the company's commitment to its environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals.

The bonds will be offered this June in the amount of ¥10 billion with a five-year maturity supported by SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. as a structuring agent.

"The ANA Group has consistently prioritized social good in its actions and through the issuance of the Sustainability-Linked Bonds, will further drive change as we look for ways to adopt multifaceted approaches to meet our ambitious ESG goals," said Ichiro Fukuzawa, CFO of ANA HD. "We provide a crucial service connecting people and cultures, and it is our hope that the ANA Group will be a leader of change as the world emerges from the COVID-19 crisis."

The ANA Group utilizes external ESG-related indices (including the 4 select SPTs below) to gain an objective understanding of its initiatives.

The following are the SPTs for the issuance of Sustainability-Linked Bonds:
① Company listing on the DJSI World and DJSI Asia Pacific
② Company listing on the FTSE4Good Index
③ Company listing on the MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index
④ Company rating of "A-" or above on the CDP

ANA states that if two or more of the above SPTs have not been achieved at the end of fiscal 2022 (March 31, 2023), it will make a donation to organizations engaged in activities aimed at creating positive impacts on the environment and society, and aim to deliver additional positive impacts as much as possible.

The framework for the issuance of Sustainability-Linked Bonds has been reviewed and evaluated by Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I), and has been recognized for complying with the "Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles 2020" of the International Capital Market Association (ICMA). In addition, R&I will review the company's disclosures and publish a report on the progress and achievement of the SPTs for the bonds.