AMST-Aviation and Lufthansa Aviation Training have entered into a new partnership agreement. The main focus of the collaboration between the two companies will consist of Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT), which currently plays an increasingly important role in pilot training to increase aviation safety. LAT will contribute its aeronautical expertise to the partnership in the form of CBT theory modules, while AMST-Aviation is responsible for highly realistic, practical UPRT training on DESDEMONA – a flight simulator particularly suited to UPRT, which makes it possible to vividly simulate motion, including realistic G forces at all altitudes of flight.
“The collaboration between LAT and AMST-Aviation in the field of UPRT is a logical step, since each company’s expertise in this field complements the other company’s expertise perfectly. We are very pleased to enter into this agreement and are optimistic when it comes to further intensifying our partnership,” said Rainer Schlüsselberger, CEO of AMST-Aviation.