The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) has called on the US government in a new white paper, “Leveling the Playing Field for US Airlines and Their Employees", to level the playing field for US airlines to help them better compete against foreign carriers, particular Gulf airlines.
"In the global marketplace, competition exists not only between companies, but between governments. Foreign airlines, particularly in the Persian Gulf, operate under governments that make promoting strong and competitive carriers a national priority," said Captain Lee Moak, ALPA's president.
The paper states that there needs to be a major policy overhaul for the airline industry that includes enhancing the business environment, defending US aviation jobs in the international marketplace, and enhancing international aviation safety regulations through the International Civil Aviation Organization.
"I believe that now is the time for labour and airline executives to work together with others in industry and with governments in the United States and around the globe," concluded Capt. Moak. "Working together is the only way we can level the playing field."
To read ALPA's "Leveling the Playing Field for U.S. Airlines and Their Employees" white paper online, please visit