
Airline Management Group launches- It’s all about implementation

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Airline Management Group launches- It’s all about implementation

At an industry level the results for 2016 will rank amongst the top three of all time, however the reality for most airlines is quite different. Indeed, the industry result is determined by the performance of just 30 airlines. Against this background not only is the situation one where an increasing number of airlines have not benefited from what has been a favourable operating environment, they are not well placed to face what will be a more challenging condition, let alone reach a state of financial sustainability.

To assist airlines achieving sustainable and profitable growth, Peter Davies has brought together a unique group of airline industry experts to establish Airline Management Group (AMG).

With Prof. Rigas Doganis as Chairman and Davies as CEO this innovative company has the resources to analyse, plan and implement change in airlines. The principal focus of AMG is hands-on implementation.

Peter Davies is supported by Justin Goatcher as COO, Ben Leon as CCO, Hugh O’Donovan as Legal Counsel, and a wider team all of whom have held senior executive and line management positions in the aviation and airline industries.

Borne out of the need for a company that can implement transformation and change rather than simply consult, AMG has been formed to create an organisation that can deliver board level and C level transformational support to a wide range of airline sectors.

AMG will be exhibiting at the Dublin Aviation Summit this week, Davies said “AMG has senior C-level managers from all disciplines of the aviation and airline industries and by combining their operational and strategic talents with their extensive experience, we will be able to deliver pragmatic profitable solutions focused on delivering structurally improved returns and economic longevity.”

Prof Doganis commented: “We are airline people, our focus is airline management - absolute.” When asked why now, he replied: "Whilst the market will continue to grow in terms of traffic, the operating environment for many airlines remains particularly challenging. Success is about managing cost, reducing waste and taking advantage of the opportunities to deliver financial sustainability. AMG is all about strategy and implementation, it is uniquely placed to support “challenged” airlines by initiating and managing transformational change”.

Even the most cursory glance of the financial results shows that there remain a substantial number of airlines that are on the “wrong side of the line” in respect of financial performance. Fundamentally the real test is the extent to which any plan is capable of implementation, and critically it is the way in which it is implemented that matters most. It is in this phase that there is a need and an opportunity for a specialist team; one that creates a sense of passion and professionalism among its employees, a brand and product that customers will buy and a sustainable profitable return for its shareholders.

It is against this background that AMG has been established. Davies has amassed an impressive team all of whom are recognised in the industry for their expertise and track record supported by a comprehensive knowledge of the global industry, covering legacy to low cost carriers, from startups to turnarounds in both government and private ownership.