AirAsia has added three additional flights from Tiruchi (Tamil Nadu) and Kochi (Kerala) to Kuala Lumpur. The flight frequency from Tiruchi has increased to 14 times a week from 11 times. The flight frequency from Kochi has increased to ten times a week from seven times.
The new flights from Tiruchi will begin from December 2, while those from Kochi will start from December 1.
AirAsia increases flights to Tamil Nadu and Kerala
AirAsia has added three additional flights from Tiruchi (Tamil Nadu) and Kochi (Kerala) to Kuala Lumpur. The flight frequency from Tiruchi has increased to 14 times a week from 11 times. The flight frequency from Kochi has increased to ten times a week from seven times.
The new flights from Tiruchi will begin from December 2, while those from Kochi will start from December 1.