Air India has taken delivery of its latest Boeing 777-200LR, which previously flew with Delta Air Lines, registered as VT-AEF. The airline plans to induct around 30 aircraft over the next few months on short-term leases as a part of its fleet restructuring strategy. The remaining 777s will be delivered between December 2022 to March 2023.
Air India plans to deploy the 777 widebody aircraft on a long-haul route to North America and offer a premium economy cabin experience to customers. The aircraft is almost 15 years old and was delivered new to Delta in 2008 with 60,000 flight hours across 5,246 cycles.
Air India has named the aircraft Vihaan after its multi-stage transformation roadmap revealed in September.
The airline has also restored around 20 aircraft, which were grounded for a long time due to a lack of engines and spare parts.