Air India's Mumbai and Hyderabad simulator training facilities have been temporarily suspended by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation due to the lapses found during inspections. A few days back, DGCA temporarily suspended the approval of Air India’s Boeing simulator training facility in Mumbai.
As per the Press Trust of India (PTI) report, DGCA found certain lapses and is current reviewing the matter. “DGCA has temporarily suspended Air India’s Boeing simulator training facility for certain lapses. The regulator is verifying some documents related to the matter,” PTI quoted a source in the report.
A few days after this, DGCA suspended the Air India’s Hyderabad Airbus simulator training facility citing lapses found during inspection.
The DGCA will verify certain details before it can allow the carrier to resume simulator training at the two facilities.
The facilities important as they maintain the licenses and certifications of Air India's pilots.
Air India conducts the simulator training 777 and 787s pilots at Mumbai facility and A320 pilots are trained in the Hyderabad facility. As of now, the DGCA has not confirmed the timeframe for these suspensions, the airline might face a problem of pilot shortage as it is currently on routes expansion spree.