Air India has signed up Salesforce to transform its customer service experience at all significant touchpoints including online, on ground, onboard the aircraft etc. Salesforce claims to provide consistent data platform and artificial intelligence-assisted tools to Air India's customer-facing staff.
Salesforce claims that, the airline will be able to track customer interactions across its contact centre, mobile app, website, chatbot, email, social media, and other channels, providing a single source of truth for both customer requests and issues.
The technology also boasts of providing the capacity to respond proactively to problems and follow them through to resolution with the aid of artificial intelligence technologies.
"Given the ambitious growth plan of Air India that will result in a rapid increase in the volume of customer interactions, deploying robust and scalable technological solutions that incorporate the latest in Artificial Intelligence technologies becomes imperative. Air India’s work with Salesforce will enable this accomplishment," said the release.
“At Air India, we are committed to elevate our customers’ experience... we are working with Salesforce to introduce various service features that will make it easy for our customers to engage with us," said Rajesh Dogra, chief customer experience and ground handling officer, Air India.
One of the benefits of this technology rollout is the availability of a 360-degree view of customers in a unified customer data platform that enables Air India to deeply understand its customers. Following that, this information will be used to improve consumer interactions at touchpoints on the ground, online, and in the air.