
Air India resolves issues revolving new pilot contracts

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Air India resolves issues revolving new pilot contracts

Air India has resolved issues related to new contracts with two of its pilot unions that were opposing certain clauses of the new service agreement. This comes after weeks of negotiations leading to the pilot unions saying yes to the revised salary structure following a meeting held on May 11. A vote was held among the union members, and reportedly 80% voted in favour of signing the new contract.

The Tata Group had hiked pilots' salaries by 20% and promised a faster career progression. But pilot unions had issues with certain clauses in the contract related to the flying allowances. The unions had threatened industrial action if the management forced the contract upon them.

But negotiations over the weeks and the management’s assurance that the pilots’ demands will be considered have led to the unions accepting the new contracts.

“Upon the assurances given in the online ‘Townhall Meeting for all pilots’ and in the interest of the aspirations of Air India, The Tata Group and our passengers, the joint directive stands withdrawn.… we believe it is crucial to express our readiness to settle the dispute at hand and find an amicable resolution for the benefit of both parties,” the pilot unions said in a statement.