Air India has reported a loss of Rs.2,636 crore for the year ended 31 March, compared to a loss of Rs.5,859 crore in the previous year. This was achieved mainly via the reduction in fuel costs thanks to the lower fuel price. Air India’s overall costs dropped to Rs.23,951 crore from Rs.26,466 crore in the previous year. Employee costs reduced from Rs.2,466 crore in 2014-15 to Rs.2,362 crore due to the retirement of employees. Air India aircraft costs fell to Rs.2,000 crore from Rs.2,100 crore. Air India’s passenger revenue fell from Rs.15,800 crore to Rs.15,750 crore, but overall revenue increased from Rs.20,613 crore to Rs.21,244 crore. Load factor rose to 75.3% compared to 73.7% in the prior-year period.