
Aerotoxic Association submits evidence to International Criminal Court

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Aerotoxic Association submits evidence to International Criminal Court

After a call for evidence in May 2018, the Aerotoxic Association has submitted a body of evidence regarding Aerotoxic Syndrome to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The Aerotoxic Association contends that the airline industry is in direct violation of WHO “Right to Healthy Indoor Air” guidelines and has demanded an Independent Public Inquiry, on whether known solutions should be introduced on aircraft for the safety of all those who fly.

Through the evidence presented, the Aerotoxic Association claims that the airline industry has acted with malice and is knowingly breaching an EASA regulation stating that “Crew and passenger compartment air must be free from harmful or hazardous concentrations of gases”.

While noting that frequent flyers, pregnant women, children and the elderly are at particular risk from aircraft cabin toxic air, the Aerotoxic Association demands that airlines implement the known technical solutions, that includes: changing to less toxic oil; filtering of bleed air; and installing toxic air detectors.

The Aerotoxic Association was set up in 2007 to raise this issue of toxic air exposure in aircraft and to support those suffering from Aerotoxic Syndrome. The cause of Aerotoxic Syndrome has been shown to be the contaminated and unfiltered bleed air used in the aircraft cabin.