
A319-100 Aircraft Sale

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A319-100 Aircraft Sale

Aircraft Leasing & Management (ALM) has arranged the sale of one A319-100 aircraft from Cassiopeia Leasing, a Japanese entity, to Sunrise Asset Management, a subsidiary of Allegiant Travel Company. The aircraft has been acquired by Sunrise Asset Management for operation by Allegiant Air.

The aircraft was previously operated by easyJet since new until redelivery and transfer to Allegiant on 26 February 2016 and was part of the Fuyo General Lease Co (FGL) portfolio managed by ALM. In addition to arranging the sale, ALM coordinated the redelivery of the aircraft from easyJet and its transition to Allegiant Air as part of its management responsibility for the FGL operating lease portfolio.

IATA: Competitive Air Transport Sector to Drive Increased German Prosperity
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has called on the German government to focus on improving the competitiveness of the German air transport sector in the development of its national aviation policy.

"Aviation supports the German economy by underpinning 1.12 million jobs and EUR77 billion in GDP. But these benefits are under pressure because of onerous taxes, airport infrastructure challenges and the overall inefficiency of European air traffic management. The development of a national aviation policy is an opportunity to address these issues. Doing so will boost Germany’s economic competitiveness by strengthening the foundations on which aviation provides crucial connectivity," said Tony Tyler, IATA’s Director General and CEO. Tyler’s remarks were made at the opening of the World Air Cargo Symposium in Berlin.

To build an even stronger base for airlines to link Germany competitively with global markets, government policies must eliminate burdensome taxation, ensure cost-efficient airport infrastructure to meet demand and enable access to reformed and modernized air traffic management systems. Specifically IATA called for the German government to: Abolish the €1bn German departure tax; impose no further night flight restrictions at German airports; address uncertainties over the opening of Berlin Brandenburg Airport, and take leadership in the modernization of European air traffic management.